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VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering

A double- blind Peer Reviewed Scientific Journal

VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering
(A double- blind peer reviewed Scientific Journal)

Welcome to VLEARNY Journal, a cutting-edge platform dedicated to the exploration and dissemination of ground breaking research in Science & Engineering. At VLEARNY, we believe in the transformative power of effective research and seek to cultivate a dynamic space where researchers, academics, and industry practitioners converge to advance the frontiers of leadership knowledge.


Starting Year: 2024
Publication Fee: NIL
Article Processing Charge: NIL
(Please note that the Publication fees or waiver status does not influence editorial decision making.)
(Online) ISSN: Pending
(Print) ISSN: Pending
Chief Editor: Dr. Sumit Saha
Subject: Science
Frequency: Half Yearly  (Jan-June, July-Dec)
Publishing Body: VLEARNY Technology LLP.
Copyright: VLEARNY Technology LLP.
Publication Format: Online & Print
Language: English
email: editor@vlearny.com
Address: No 802, Block 1, Wing A, Suncity Gloria, Sarjapur Road, Doddakanalli, Carmelaram, Bangalore – 560035, Karnataka

Key Features, Transparency & Best practices:

  1. Visionary Insights: VLEARNY Journal is committed to publishing research that pushes the boundaries of conventional scientific wisdom. Our contributors delve into visionary approaches that challenge the status quo and provide fresh perspectives on scientific & Engineering decision-making.
  2. Global Perspectives: Recognizing the global nature of modern science & Engineering, VLEARNY Journal welcomes contributions from diverse cultural and geographical contexts. Our journal serves as a crossroads for international insights, fostering a rich tapestry of scientific theories and practices.
  3. Practical Applications: Beyond theoretical discussions, VLEARNY Journal emphasizes the practical implications of scientific research. Discovers case studies, best practices, and real-world applications that bridge the gap between academic inquiry and actionable strategies for scientists & Engineers.
  4. Collaborative Exchange: VLEARNY Journal encourages a collaborative spirit among researchers and practitioners. Engage in a vibrant community where ideas are exchanged, challenges are discussed, and solutions are co-created to shape the future landscape of visionary scientific & engineering  leadership.
  5. Plagiarism & Research ethics: We focus on quality paper and research. We accept submitted articles which is less than 10% plagiarism. It is advised to the author to check the similarity of the document, and to share the similarity report along with the original manuscript. You may click here to avail our plagiarism check service.
  6. Archiving & Back up: In the event of journal is no longer published in future, VLEARNY Journal of Business updates all research papers with Zenodo, and protected with unique DOI assigned to every paper.
    • VLEARNY also backs up data on their own internal servers to prevent data loss over time.
    • If required in future, we also will have agreements with digital preservation organizations like Portico or CLOCKSS to guarantee long-term accessibility to the content.
  7. Revenue sources: Business models or revenue sources of Vlearny Journal is through  subscriptions, advertising (Printed, Online version, and/or digital marketing), and reprints. As of now, other than this, there is no institutional support, and organizational support for revenue generation.

  8. Direct marketing: If any direct marketing activities are done, including solicitation of manuscripts that are conducted on behalf of the journal, is  appropriate, well targeted, and unobtrusive. Information provided about the publisher or journal is undoubtedly truthful and not misleading for readers or authors.

  9. Advertising/ sponsorships:  Chief Editor makes the decisions regarding accepting adverts/ sponsorships including what types of adverts will be considered, and it is displayed at random. Advertisements does not relate in any way to editorial decision making and is kept separate from the published content.

Submission Guidelines: We invite scholars, researchers, and industry professionals to contribute their original research manuscripts to VLEARNY Journal. Submissions should align with our mission to advance knowledge in the respected field. You are requested to read the authors guideline before sending any research manuscript.

Original manuscript and research work (along with plagiarism report) may be submitted to editor@vlearny.com 

Publisher Details:
Editor-in-chief: Dr. Sumit Saha
Publishing Body: VLEARNY Technology LLP.
(Online) ISSN: Pending
(Print) ISSN: Pending
Address: No 802, Block 1, Wing A, Suncity Gloria, Sarjapur Road,
Doddakanalli, Carmelaram, Bangalore – 560035, Karnataka

VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering
(A double-blind peer reviewed Scientific Journal)

Aim: VJSE is committed to being a leading platform for the dissemination of cutting-edge research and scholarly discourse across various domains of science and engineering. The journal aims to facilitate the exchange of innovative ideas, theories, methodologies, and findings among scholars, practitioners, and policymakers, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in all the branches of scientific and engineering studies.

Scope: This journal broadly covers the following branches of the biological science, but not limited to-

  1. Logic
  2. Pure mathematics
  3. Systems science
  4. Data Science
  5. Information Science
  6. Statistics
  7. System engineering
  8. Computer Science
  9. Data Engineering
  10. Information Engineering
  11. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  12. Physics
  13. Chemistry
  14. Earth Science
  15. Astronomy
  16. Physiology
  17. Agriculture Science
  18. Economics
  19. Political Science
  20. Sociology
  21. Environmental science
  22. Psychology
  23. Anthropology
  24. Chemical Engineering
  25. Mechanical Engineering
  26. Interdisciplinary Engineering
  27. Civil Engineering
  28. Biomedical Engineering
  29. software Engineering
  30. Geomatic Engineering
  31. Electrical Engineering
  32. Energy Engineering
  33. Supply Chain Engineering
  34. Textile Engineering
  35. Cyber security Engineering

Word limit for all the above manuscripts is approximately 3000-6000 words.

VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering
(A double-blind peer reviewed Scientific Journal)

Our editors, and reviewers are the integral part of our research and publication team.


Dr. Indrajit Pan, Professor, Dept. of Information Technology, RCC Institute of Information Technology, Kolkata; ORCID: 0000-0003-4140-6683; Email: indrajit.pan@rcciit.org.in

Satrajit Das, Assistant Professor, Gargi Memorial Institute of technology, Balarampur , Baruipur, Kolkata 700144; ORCID: 0009-0007-1778-6299; Email: satrajit.cse_gmit@jisgroup.org

Dr. Shreevamshi Naveen, Associate Professor, Dayananda sagar college of engineering, Shavige Malleshwara Hills, 91st Main Rd, 1st Stage, Kumaraswamy Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560078; ORCID: 0000-0001-6731-132X; Email: Shreevamshi-mba@dayanandasagar.edu

Dr. Balu L, Professor & Director, Dayananda Sagar college of Arts, Science & commerce, Kumaraswamy Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India;
email: principal-dscasc@dayanandasagar.edu ; ORCID: 0009-0003-6382-842X; https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Balu-l-2

Dr. Sumit Saha, Associate Professor, Dayananda Sagar Business School, Bangalore, India; ORCID: 0000-0002-0936-6952; Email: sumitsaha@dsbs.edu.in


Note: To join our editorial/reviewer/advisory team (Invitation Based Only) please submit your nomination  here

VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering
(A double-blind peer reviewed Scientific Journal)

Editorial Board Policy of VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering

The Editorial Board of ‘VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering’ adheres to the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and academic excellence in fulfilling its responsibilities. The following policies are established in accordance to meet the highest standards of academia:

  1. Composition of the Editorial Board:
    • The Editorial Board comprises distinguished scholars and experts from diverse areas of scientific community, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the field.
    • Members are selected based on their expertise, academic credentials, research contributions, and editorial experience.
    • The Board is periodically reviewed and updated to maintain relevance and inclusivity. Sometimes it is invitation based.
  2. Editorial Independence:
    • Editorial decisions, including manuscript evaluation, selection, and publication, are made independently by the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors, free from undue influence or conflicts of interest.
    • Editorial Board members are expected to uphold the principles of impartiality, objectivity, and fairness in their decision-making process.
  3. Peer Review Process:
    • All submissions undergo rigorous peer review by experts in the relevant field to ensure scholarly rigor, methodological soundness, and contribution to knowledge.
    • Reviewers are selected based on their expertise and track record of publications in the subject area.
    • Reviewers’ identities are kept confidential to maintain impartiality and encourage candid feedback.
  4. Ethical Standards:
    • The Editorial Board upholds the highest ethical standards in scholarly publishing, including integrity, transparency, and respect for intellectual property rights.
    • Editors and reviewers are expected to adhere to ethical guidelines, including those outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), to prevent plagiarism, fraud, and conflicts of interest.
  5. Conflict of Interest Policy:
    • Editorial Board members are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may influence their judgment or decision-making process.
    • Conflicts of interest may include financial interests, personal relationships, or academic affiliations that could affect objectivity or impartiality.
    • Editors may recuse themselves from handling submissions in cases of significant conflicts of interest.
  6. Editorial Decision Appeals:
    • Authors have the right to appeal editorial decisions if they believe there are substantive errors or discrepancies in the review process.
    • Appeals are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and/or Editorial Board members not involved in the initial decision, ensuring a fair and impartial review.
  7. Editorial Board Meetings/ Communications:
    • Regular meetings/ email communications of the Editorial Board are convened to discuss/communicate journal policies, strategic initiatives, and editorial matters.
    • Meetings may be conducted in person or virtually to facilitate collaboration and decision-making among Board members. OR, communicating/discussion through email among board members on relevant policies.
    1. Retraction of Publication:  Retraction is a mechanism by which a published paper in VLEARNY journal is flagged for being seriously flawed to the extent that their results and conclusions can no longer be relied upon. Retracted articles are not removed from the published issues but marked as retracted. In some cases it may be necessary to remove an article from publication, such as when the article is clearly defamatory, violates personal privacy, is the subject of a court order, or might pose a serious health risk to the general public.

    A retraction may be initiated by the editors of the journal, or by the author(s) of the papers (or their institution). Retractions are typically accompanied by a retraction notice written by the editors or authors explaining the reason for the retraction. Such notices may also include a note from the authors with apologies for the previous error and/or expressions of gratitude to persons who disclosed the error to the author. Retractions must not be confused with small corrections in published articles.

The Editorial Board of ‘VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering’ is committed to upholding the highest standards of scholarly publishing and advancing knowledge in the fields of science and engineering in accordance with the Web of Science and/or other index standards.

VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering
(A double-blind peer reviewed Scientific Journal)

  1. Manuscript Preparation:
  • Ensure that your manuscript adheres to the journal’s focus on business and managerial efficacy.
  • Prepare your manuscript in English, using clear and concise language.
  • Format your document according to the journal’s specified template, available on the journal website. refer past published articles in this website.
  • Include an abstract that provides a succinct summary of the research, key findings, and implications.
  • Follow a consistent citation style, preferably using APA style.
  • 2. Ethical Considerations:
  • Clearly state any potential conflicts of interest.
  • Provide appropriate acknowledgments for funding sources and contributors.
  • Ensure that your research complies with ethical standards, including proper consent and data protection.
  • 3. Submission Process:
  • Submit your manuscript only through email to editor@vlearny.com
  • Include a cover letter briefly introducing your manuscript, highlighting its significance and novelty.
  • Confirm that your manuscript has not been submitted elsewhere and is not under consideration by another journal.
  • 4. Peer Review Process:
  • All submissions undergo a rigorous peer-review process. Be prepared to address reviewers’ comments and revisions.
  • Maintain confidentiality regarding the review process.
  • 5. Copyright transfer & Distribution rights:
  • Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions for any copyrighted material used in their manuscripts.
  • Upon acceptance, authors will be required to transfer copyright to the journal.
  • Upon acceptance, if copyright transfer letter is not asked/submitted, in that case also, author will be responsible in case of any copyright violation for his submitted manuscript in future also.
  •  Generally, a copyright transfer form is shared with the authors after final selection and before the publication. However, this is not mandatory, and without that also author by default confirms, upon the submission of the original manuscript, that the author transfers the copyright and exclusive distribution rights to VLEARNY Journal of Business unconditionally without any honorarium.
  • 6. Manuscript Formatting:
  • Use consistent font and formatting throughout the document.
  • Use double column style,
  • Include page numbers, headings, and subheadings for clarity.
  • Ensure that all figures and tables are appropriately labelled and cited in the text.
  • 7. Plagiarism Check: We focus on quality paper and research. We accept submitted articles which is less than 10% plagiarism. It is advised to the author to check the similarity of the document, and to share the similarity report with the original manuscript.

Important: You may click here to avail our plagiarism check service.

9. Citation Guidelines: Please read citation guidelines before sending the final manuscript.

10. Submission Deadline:

  • Check the journal’s website for specific submission deadlines and adhere to them. During the review process maximum of 7 days are given for correction and resend.
  • Contact/Paper submission Information:
  • For inquiries regarding the submission process, contact/ submit your paper to the editorial office only at editor@vlearny.com

Disclaimer: The contributors hold sole responsibility for any statement of fact or opinion presented in the research papers or articles. The editorial board explicitly disavows any legal accountability and liability associated with assertions, facts, opinions, or interpretations provided by contributors. Contributors associated with the VLEARNY Journal of Business bear the exclusive responsibility for obtaining permission to use and reproduction of any copyrighted material.

By following these guidelines, you contribute to the quality and professionalism of “VLEARNY Journal of Biological Science”. We and our editorial board look forward to receiving your insightful contributions.


Protect Your Work, Be Aware of Predatory Journals and Publication Scams!
A peer review takes at least 2–3 months. Journals promising publication for a fee in 24–48 hours are not credible. VJSE submissions are accepted via email only at editor@vlearny.com 

VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering
(A double-blind peer reviewed Scientific Journal)

Our reviewers are highly qualified and experienced professionals who uphold the reliability, validity, essence, and quality of research contributions from authors through a robust blind peer-review process. The double-blind peer-review policy of the ‘VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering’ is designed to not only maintain the essence and validity of manuscripts but also to ensure the overall integrity of the publication.

The double-blind peer-review process involves reaching out to esteemed scholarly reviewers with in-depth knowledge of the specialized discipline to evaluate the manuscripts. The reviewer panel comprises experts with common areas of interest, expertise, and experience relevant to the work being assessed. The success of this process relies on the trust and active participation of the reviewers, and we express our gratitude for their valuable comments and suggestions, which enhance the quality of the research papers.

Reviewers are granted autonomy to reflect, appraise, and provide constructive criticism, aiming to assist researchers in revising and incorporating suggested changes to enhance their contributions to the field of research and innovation.

Method to communicate to Reviewers from editorial team:

Editor(s) request reviewers through email/ post/ personal interaction for the review of any submitted manuscript. If you are asked to provide a review, in order to avoid delays, we would be grateful if you could let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to complete it at the time or if a problem arises after the invitation has been accepted. Suggestions for alternative reviewers are always gratefully received!

Reviewers assess manuscripts based on the following parameters:

  1. Coverage of key parameters in the manuscript: Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, research methodology, results and discussion, conclusion, and research implications.
  2. Title of the Manuscript: Evaluation of whether the title concisely describes the research content.
  3. Originality: Determination of whether the paper provides new and justified information of publishable quality.
  4. Review of Literature: Assessment of whether the paper explains the conducted work in the relevant research area, identifies gaps in literature, and justifies the need for the present research. It is expected that articles will appropriately acknowledge the surrounding literature for the topic.
  5. Research Methodology: Examination of the clarity in explaining the design and methodology, setting objectives for primary research, and proper design of secondary sources.
  6. Results and Discussion: Verification that the results and discussion align with the research objectives, expectations, and hypothesis, noting variations from prior research.
  7. Conclusion: Evaluation of whether the conclusion is logically drawn from the objectives, results, and discussion.
  8. Implications for Future Research: Identification of suggestions for future research, contribution to knowledge, and scope for further research.
  9. Quality of Communication: Assurance that communication is clear, expression is readable, and sentence structure is grammatically correct.
  10. If authors have referred previous published relevant articles in VLEARNY Journal of Biological Science and/or cited all relevant references in their manuscript.

Ethical issues are addressed by the editorial team before sending the manuscript to the panel of reviewers.

Checklist for Reviewers:

  1. Clear indication of Accept/Reject/Minor Revision/Major Revision with reasons. If revision is suggested, specific parameters and sections are outlined.
  2. Submission of a manuscript revision format to the author, including reviewer’s comments.

Reviewers’ final decision regarding acceptance or rejection falls into one of three categories:

  • Rejected
  • Accepted
  • Accepted but requires revision (either major or minor)

Protect Your Work, Be Aware of Predatory Journals and Publication Scams!
A peer review takes at least 2–3 months. Journals promising publication for a fee in 24–48 hours are not credible. VJSE submissions are accepted via email at editor@vlearny.com only.

VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering
(A double-blind peer reviewed Scientific Journal)

Peer Review Policy of VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering

At ‘VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering’, our reviewers uphold a rigorous peer review process in accordance with the standards set forth by the Scopus and/or Web of Science index. Our peer review policy is designed to ensure the quality, integrity, and credibility of the scholarly articles published in our journal. The following outlines our peer review process:

  1. Initial Screening:
    • Upon submission, all manuscripts undergo an initial screening by the Editorial Board to assess their suitability for the journal and adherence to formatting and submission guidelines.
  2. Peer Review Assignment:
    • Manuscripts passing the initial screening are assigned to qualified reviewers with expertise in the relevant field.
    • Reviewers are selected based on their academic credentials, research experience, and familiarity with the subject matter of the manuscript.
  3. Double-Blind Review:
    • We employ a double-blind peer review process, where the identities of both the authors and the reviewers are anonymized to ensure impartiality and minimize bias.
    • Reviewers are instructed to evaluate the manuscript objectively, focusing on the quality of research, methodology, significance of findings, and adherence to ethical standards.
  4. Review Evaluation:
    • Reviewers provide detailed feedback and constructive criticism on various aspects of the manuscript, including its strengths, weaknesses, clarity, and originality.
    • Reviewers assess the validity of the research methodology, accuracy of data analysis, interpretation of results, and relevance to the field of business studies.
  5. Editorial Decision:
    • Based on the reviewers’ feedback and recommendations, the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors make an editorial decision regarding the manuscript.
    • Editorial decisions may include acceptance, revision with minor or major changes, or rejection, taking into account the scholarly merit and contribution of the manuscript.
  6. Author Notification:
    • Authors are promptly notified of the editorial decision along with reviewers’ comments and recommendations.
    • In the case of revision, authors are provided with clear guidelines and timelines for addressing reviewers’ concerns and submitting revised manuscripts.
  7. Final Decision:
    • Revised manuscripts undergo a subsequent round of review to ensure that all concerns have been adequately addressed.
    • The final decision regarding acceptance for publication is made based on the thorough evaluation of the revised manuscript.

At ‘VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering’, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of peer review excellence to advance scholarship and contribute to the dissemination of impactful research in the field of science and engineering studies.

VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering
(A double-blind peer reviewed Scientific Journal)

Publication & Research Ethics for VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering

VJSE is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of publication and research ethics. Authors, reviewers, editors, and all parties involved in the publication process are expected to adhere to the following ethical guidelines. The ethics statements of VLEARNY is based on the guidelines which are framed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) available at COPE.

  1. Originality and Plagiarism: Authors must ensure that their submissions are original works and properly cite sources when using others’ work. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and will result in immediate rejection of the manuscript.
  2. Authorship: All individuals who have made significant contributions to the research must be listed as authors. Conversely, individuals who have not contributed substantially to the research should not be included as authors. Proper acknowledgment of all sources of support and funding is also required.
  3. Conflicts of Interest: Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the interpretation of their research findings or recommendations. Editors and reviewers must also recuse themselves from handling manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest.
  4. Data Integrity and Fabrication: Authors are responsible for the accuracy and integrity of the data presented in their manuscripts. Data fabrication or falsification is strictly prohibited. Authors should retain raw data for a reasonable period after publication for verification purposes.
  5. Ethical Treatment of Subjects: Research involving human subjects or animals must comply with ethical standards and obtain appropriate approval from institutional review boards or ethics committees. Informed consent must be obtained from participants, and their privacy and confidentiality must be protected.
  6. Citation and Referencing: Authors should cite all relevant sources and provide accurate references in their manuscripts. Any form of citation manipulation, including excessive self-citation or citation stacking, is discouraged.
  7. Peer Review Confidentiality: Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the peer review process and refrain from disclosing any information about the manuscript or their review to third parties without permission from the journal.
  8. Editorial Independence: Editors must make editorial decisions based solely on the academic merit of the manuscript and without regard to factors such as the authors’ identity, affiliations, or personal relationships.
  9. Publication Ethics Violations: Any suspected violations of publication ethics, including plagiarism, data manipulation, or unethical behavior, should be reported to the editorial office for investigation. Appropriate actions will be taken in accordance with established procedures and guidelines.
  10. Plagiarism Check: We focus on quality paper and research. We accept submitted articles which is less than 10% plagiarism. It is advised to the author to check and share the similarity report with the original manuscript.
  11. Copyright transfer & Distribution rights:

    Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions for any copyrighted material used in their manuscripts. Upon acceptance, authors will be required to transfer copyright to the journal.

    Upon acceptance, if copyright transfer letter is not asked/submitted, in that case also, author will be responsible in case of any copyright violation for his submitted manuscript in future also.

    *Generally, a copyright transfer form is shared with the authors after final selection and before the publication. However, this is not mandatory, and without that also author by default confirms, upon the submission of the original manuscript, that the author transfers the copyright and exclusive publishing & distribution rights to ‘VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering’ unconditionally without any honorarium.

Important: You may click here to avail our plagiarism check service.

  1. Data Preservation Policy:

12.1. Data Availability

  • VLEARNY Journal Deposits raw data in publicly accessible repositories (in Zenodo).
  • Linking to datasets or supplementary material directly from the journal’s publication (through DOI links).
  • Providing data upon request from readers if not publicly available.

12.2. Data Sharing Policies

  • Vlearny may upload the Raw data and make accessible for future researchers.
  • Accepted formats for data (e.g., CSV, Excel, pdf, .spv or specific software-compatible formats).
  • Time frames or embargo periods for data release after publication (not exceeding 12 months).

12.3. Repositories and Data Archiving

    • VLEARNY encourages researchers to share the raw data which were used for their research. Currently, VLEARNY itself is keeping those data in its own server/ database and managing its own repository. Please note that sharing raw data is solely researchers choice. VLEARNY only encourages them to share.

12.4. Data Citation

  • Journals indexed in Web of Science often require data to be cited formally, and many follow best practices for data citation where datasets have their own DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
  • Citation of datasets ensures that the datasets are discoverable and can be attributed properly to the researchers who created them.

12.5. Retention and Long-Term Access

  • Vlearny follows best practices established by the Fair Data Principles, ensuring data is properly preserved and can be reused by other researchers.
  • Long-term preservation is also handled by trusted digital repositories that have an established track record of ensuring access over time (Yet to be implemented.)

12.6. Compliance with Research Funding Mandates

  • currently, Vlearny retains data on its own, and it is publicly available on request for future research, to promote transparency and reproducibility.

12.7. Ethical and Legal Considerations

  • Ethical issues regarding data sharing, such as the protection of personal or sensitive data (e.g., from human subject research), are addressed through data anonymization or restricted access mechanisms.
  • By submitting the manuscript in VLEARNY Journal the researchers consent to share their data, as well as adherence to intellectual property rights, and are also part of the data preservation policy.

12.8. Archiving and Backups

  • VLEARNY backs up data on their own internal servers to prevent data loss over time.
  • If required in future, we also will have agreements with digital preservation organizations like Portico or CLOCKSS to guarantee long-term accessibility to the content.

By adhering to these ethical principles, VLEARNY aims to foster integrity, transparency, and trust in the scholarly publishing process and promote the dissemination of high-quality research in the field of scientific studies.

VLEARNY Journal of Science and Engineering
(A double-blind peer reviewed Scientific Journal)

VLEARNY relies on a wide range of business models to generate the income needed to offset its operating expenses: journal publication fees, institutional sponsorship, editorial services for conferences and meetings, reprints, financial support from societies and associations, and private company sponsorship.

We often combine different models to fund our activity. This is because we believe that more opportunities of funding give greater freedom and self-determination.

Whatever the reality, we are well aware that sponsorship might imperil editorial independence: that’s why VLEARNY compiled a sponsorship policy that complies with the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) Code of Conduct.

VLEARNY Journal of Business: Sponsorship Policy Guidelines

1. Introduction

The VLEARNY Journal of Business is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and transparency in its editorial processes. This Sponsorship Policy is designed to ensure that all sponsorship arrangements adhere to the COPE Code of Conduct and are managed in a way that preserves the journal’s independence and credibility.

2. Purpose of Sponsorship

Sponsorship may be sought to support the journal’s activities, including but not limited to, publication costs, research initiatives, or events. Sponsors should be recognized for their support but must not influence the editorial content or decisions.

3. Sponsorship Approval

  • Editorial Independence: Sponsorships will not influence the editorial content or decisions of the journal. All editorial processes will remain independent, and the journal will maintain control over content without interference from sponsors.
  • Disclosure: All sponsorships will be disclosed in the journal’s publications and on its website. The nature and extent of the sponsorship will be clearly stated to maintain transparency.
  • Conflict of Interest: Potential conflicts of interest related to sponsorship will be assessed, and appropriate measures will be taken to address and mitigate any conflicts.

4. Sponsorship Agreements

  • Written Agreements: All sponsorship agreements must be documented in writing and include clear terms regarding the nature of the sponsorship, the obligations of the sponsor, and the journal’s commitments.
  • Editorial Control: Agreements must stipulate that sponsors have no control or influence over editorial decisions or content. This includes not having the right to review, approve, or reject content prior to publication.
  • Compliance with Ethical Standards: Sponsors must agree to adhere to ethical standards consistent with the COPE Code of Conduct and other relevant ethical guidelines.

5. Financial Transparency

  • Financial Reporting: The journal will maintain accurate records of all sponsorship transactions and provide transparency in financial reporting as required.
  • No Direct Benefits: Sponsors will not receive direct benefits or preferential treatment in exchange for their support. All sponsorships must be based on mutual respect and adherence to ethical standards.

6. Review and Compliance

  • Periodic Reviews: The sponsorship policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure continued compliance with the COPE Code of Conduct and to make any necessary adjustments.
  • Compliance Monitoring: The journal will monitor adherence to the sponsorship policy and take corrective actions if any deviations are identified.

By adhering to these guidelines, the VLEARNY Journal ensures that all sponsorships are handled in a manner that upholds the integrity and trustworthiness of the journal, in line with the COPE Code of Conduct.

For further more detail you can reach out to  editor@vlearny.com

J-Gate Indexed-3
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