- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Environmental Science: Theory into Practice
UNIT – I : Introduction to Environmental Studies
• Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies; components of environment:
atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere
• Scope and importance; Concept of sustainability and sustainable development; Brief
history of environmentalism
UNIT – II : Ecosystems
• Definition and concept of Ecosystem
• Structure of ecosystem (biotic and abiotic components); Functions of Ecosystem:
Physical (energy flow), Biological (food chains, food web, ecological succession), and
Biogeochemical (nutrient cycling) processes. Concepts of productivity, ecological
pyramids and homeostasis
UNIT – III : Natural Resources
• Land resources: Minerals, soil, agricultural crops, natural forest products, medicinal
plants, and forest-based industries and livelihoods; Land cover, land use change, land
degradation, soil erosion, and desertification; Causes of deforestation; Impacts of mining
and dam building on environment, forests, biodiversity, and tribal communities
• Water resources: Natural and man-made sources; Uses of water; Over exploitation of
surface and ground water resources; Floods, droughts, and international &inter- state
conflicts over water
• Energy resources: Renewable and non-renewable energy sources; Use of alternate energy
sources; Growing energy needs; Energy contents of coal, petroleum, naturalgas and bio
gas; Agro-residues as a biomass energy source
• Case studies: Contemporary Indian issues related to mining, dams, forests, energy, etc
(e.g., National Solar Mission, Cauvery River water conflict, Sardar Sarovar dam, Chipko
movement, Appiko movement, Tarun Bharat Sangh, etc)
UNIT – IV : Environmental Pollution and Control
• Environmental pollution (Air, water, soil, thermal, and noise): causes, effects, and
controls; Primary and secondary air pollutants; Air and water quality standards
• Nuclear hazards and human health risks
• Solid waste management: Control measures for various types of urban, industrialwaste,
Hazardous waste, E-waste, etc; Waste segregation and disposal
• Pollution control measures: Introduction to legal, biological, and physico-chemical
methods; Role in sustainability
• Pollution case studies: Ganga Action plan (GAP), Delhi air pollution and public health
issues, Plastic waste management rules, Bhopal gas tragedy, etc