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Jayalakshmi K U, Research Scholar, School of Economics and Commerce, CMR University, Bangalore; jayalakshmiku@gmail.com; ORCID: 0000-0001-9838-1478
Chidananda H L, Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Commerce, CMR University, Bangalore chidananda.h@cmr.edu.in ; ORCID: 0000-0003-2396-9837
Dr. Anouja Mohanty*, Assistant professor (selection grade), Presidency university, Bangalore anouja.mohanty@presidencyuniversity.in

The investing industry plays a significant part in investors’ lives. An investor will choose to invest in the stock market depending on risk and reward. Mobile technology is an extra advantage of investment. Technology has revolutionised investors’ perceptions of investing, and individuals with appropriate technological and financial literacy have dramatically altered the investment industry. An investor manages many portfolios at one time. Mobile technology has changed the investing business, allowing investors and traders to actively trade and manage their portfolios from anywhere in the globe. This study looked at how investors’ attitudes, perceived behavioural control, and subjective norms influenced their online stock trading behaviour. The investigation verified attitude, perceived behavioural control, and subjective norms positively influence online stock trading behaviour. This research uniquely integrates the Theory of Planned Behaviour with the transformative role of mobile technology, highlighting how investors’ attitudes, perceived behavioural control, and subjective norms collectively shape online stock trading behaviour in a tech-driven environment. It underscores the importance of technological and financial literacy in enhancing investors’ active engagement and portfolio management globally.

Keywords: Attitude, Perceived behavioural control, Subjective Norms, Investment Intention, Online Stock Trading Behaviour

For Citation of this paper: K U, J., H L, C., & Mohanty, A. (2024). Theory of planned behaviour model -act as bridging the gap between the psychological variable, intention and its influence on online stock trading behaviour. VLEARNY Journal of Business, 1(3), 4–12. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12594384


VLEARNY Journal of Business
1 (3) 2024, 4-12, https://vlearny.com/journal/ © VLERNY Technology LLP.

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