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Corporate Revenue Share

Corporate Revenue Share

There is Rs. 100,000/- annual platform fee (but can be waived off for the Corporate on case to case basis) to create and host a course on Vlearny. The corporate can publish as many paid courses as you like (free courses are not allowed and the minimum price of a course should be Rs. 1000/-). We believe in a sustainable partnership, where Corporates are rewarded for creating amazing content and bringing employees to the platform, and Vlearny is rewarded for driving new employees to our Corporates.

On Single Course Purchases:

  • Organic Traffic Sales: 50% on net revenue share on organic sales where no Corporate Coupon/affiliate link is used. Organic sales occur after a user browses the Vlearny marketplace for courses, and/or makes a purchase during limited promotional offers.
    • Paid User Acquisition Channel Sales: In order to optimize your sales, we partner with affiliates across our global networks or pay for advertising for your course. Depending on the partner or the costs of the advertising, the revenue share may vary but will be 25% in most cases to acquire those new users. Most of the cases, Corporates will get 25% to 35% Corporate revenue share if the course is sold through Paid User acquisition Channel and/or third-party consultants.

On Subscription/ Membership purchases:

  • Through “Corporate Coupon Code“ Sales:
    A “Corporate coupon code” will be issued to each Corporate. Any new and first time membership sales made through this code Corporate will get 15% commission/ revenue share on the membership/ subscription purchased by the employees for the first time. In this case, employees will directly make the membership payment to Vlearny. This coupon code is applicable only for the “Membership/ Subscription” Sales and not for individual course sales. This 15% revenue share directly will be paid to the Corporate’s bank account every month. Employees will not get any membership discount during purchase for this. Any other coupon code will be nullified.

Employee’s/ Student’s benefit for membership purchase through “Corporate Coupon Code“:
Any sales made through Corporate coupon code employees will get 10% additional discount on the membership and/or subscription levels purchased by the employees. This discount directly will be adjusted during the membership activation payment.
Example: If the annual membership fee is Rs. 10,000/- then the student will pay Rs. 9000/- (after 10% discount) and Corporate revenue share will be Rs. 9000 X 10% = Rs. 900 for each membership is sold through “Corporate coupon code”.

Terms & Conditions:
(i) Revenue Share for ‘Organic traffic sales’ and ‘Paid acquisition channel sales’ are applicable for ‘Single course purchase’ only, and not for membership sales. Revenue share for new membership Sales (not renewal sales) are for against the “Corporate Coupon code” only and for the first time (ii) as memberships are generally of annual memberships, in case Corporate wishes to stop the relationship with Vlearny then the active courses and/or already sold courses, maybe individual course sale and/or access through existing memberships will be available for employees. The course will be unavailable from the platform latest by 12 months from the date of requesting to stop such relationship (ii) Corporates accept that Vlearny will have unconditional rights for lifetime of the company to produce, reproduce, distribute, share, sales, digitally store, resale, change the price of any amount, licensing to the third-party access, own subsidiary companies to generate sales, and Vlearny will be the rights holder for the content; also, Corporates are free to use their same contents anywhere they want and Vlearny will not have any objections (vi) Corporates will upload courses through their Corporate Vlearny account login. (vii) Corporate revenue share model is applicable for new membership sales to employees only, and any renewals will not be considered for the revenue share payment. However, every year new employees come to the Corporates. Any new membership sold with new login ids will be considered for the Corporate revenue share. (vii) No revenue will be shared with the individual teacher/ instructors if the courses are uploaded through Corporate Vlearny login. Any revenue share arrangement, if any, needs to be done in between Corporate and their teachers. (viii) The calculation as mentioned above will be done by the Vlearny at the stipulated time and final revenue share of each Corporate will be shared. Any request for any dispute resolution in this regard should be raised to Vlearny in writing within 30 days of such revenue share every month. If it is not raised within the 30 days of the period, the settlement will be considered as the dispute free.

On special courses like bundled courses, certificate, diploma or degree courses:

Vlearny can create anytime and any number of types of courses in a combination of one or multiple Corporates’ uploaded courses together and/or adding new from own or third-party content/ courses or lessons in full or parts. This is to provide employees with more course offering and increasing the chance of more acceptable course sales. In that case, the basic sales approach would be either one time (single course) sales and/or subscription-based approach. If it is in combination with single Corporate’s different courses then above mentioned single course and subscription/membership (new sale through Corporate codes only) revenue share with the Corporate will remain unchanged. But if the course was designed of multiple Corporates’ course contents then for single time course purchase, net 50% revenue Vlearny will keep, and remaining net 50% revenue (for organic traffic sales and 25% to 35% for paid acquisition channel sales) will be divided equally among all Corporates for that particular special course. For subscription sales, the same above mentioned revenue share will be paid to the partnering Corporates through their respective membership sales to their acquired employees through the Corporate’s coupon code.

Reporting & Revenue Tracking:

Corporates can track all one-time incoming sales in their Revenue Report. However, the subscription type of revenue share model includes a lot of manual engagement, and Vlearny will share the details every month along with the payout to the Corporates.

Pay-out Day:
We provide, may provide, 15-30 Days money-back guarantee to our employees. Every month between 7th. And 10thof the day the pay-out is given to the Corporates. For example, any sales happened during the calendar month, Say May, the pay-out will be provided on 7th. July.

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